We’ve had an increased demand for eggs, plus a slowing down in our old layers – so to refresh and expand the flock, we ordered 24 Rhode Island Red chicks in March. We had heard great things about mail-order chicks from Murray McMurray, so decided to give them a try so we could get an earlier start, and have new eggs earlier in the summer.
We had a warm spell when we ordered, and a new brooder all set and ready to go. But inevitably, mother nature had other plans. Temperatures dropped, and a day or two after they arrived was predicted to be -15 overnight. So the chicks got to spend their first couple weeks in the spare room instead. They’re been in the barn in the brooder for awhile now – and will be moved outside shortly, once the new coop is complete.
Here's some photos from their arrival:

And 9 days later, their wing feathers had almost filled in.

And the brooder, before the lights were hooked up and the chicks were moved in.